Essential Oils Crops
Botanical features
IMMORTELLE /Helichrysum italicum/ is a perennial herb in the family Asteraceae.Perennial grayish-green to silver-gray, fibrous herb. Stems straight or ascending, up to 60 cm high, branched only in the area of inflorescences. Leaves are consistent, sessile, linear lanceolate, 2-6 cm long, entire, tapered. Colorful baskets are globular, 5-6 mm in diameter, with lemon to yellow-gold shell dry, shiny leaflets. All flowers are tubular, orange. Blooms June-september.The natural The natural habitat of the plant is Corsica,Bosna and Hercegovina,Croatia and other parts of the Balkans.In Bulgaria the HELICHRYSUM ARENARIUM variety is prevalent along the Black Sea coast, northeastern Bulgaria and the Danube plain. Rarely can be seen in Southeast Bulgaria and Kyustendil..
Although in Bulgaria the local variety of species is Helichrysum arenarium,
Our company handles plantation with Helichrysum italicum ssp.
The cultivation of the plant is necessitated by the fact that it is a protected plant and because of its curative properties and the high price of oil extracted from it its natural habitats are threatened.
Usable parts of the plant
For extracting essential oil are used colors, stems and stalks of the plant.
USE of the essential oil
Helichrysum italicum essential oil is used in pharmaceutical, perfume and cosmetic industries.
Essential oil
The oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is used in acne scars, surgical scars and wounds of any type, whether it is from a recent wound, surgery or tissue that has been wasted by years. When dry, rough and aging skin, swollen or weak veins and is useful in some cardiovascular diseases. Excellent massage in combination with herbal oils for sensitive, irritated skin to the muscle fibers and pain complaints.
It helps to detoxify from alcohol, drugs and nicotine, to release the body and mind of addictions.
Matricaria recutita L.
Botanical feature
Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. The stems reach a height up to 70 cm, flowers are small, gathered in small baskets on the tops of the plants.
Usable part of the plant
For extracting essential oil the flower tops are collected with some of the handles.
Use of the essential oil
Chamomile essential oil is used in the pharmaceutical, food, perfume and cosmetic industries.
Essential oil
The health benefits of camomile essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, antibiotic, antidepressant, antineuralgic, antiphlogistic, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, emenagogue, analgesic, febrifuge, hepatic, sedative, nervine, digestive, tonic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, sudorific, stomachic, anti inflammatory, anti infectious, vermifuge, and vulnerary substance.
Chemical composition: essential oil (chamazulene, azulene, caprylic, isovaleric acid), salicylic acid, nicotinic acid, mucus, fat, vitamin C, provitamin A, bitter substances, flavonoids (apigenin), coumarins, phytosterols.
Roman chamomile is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family.
Shoots are creeping up. The leaves are highly plumy cut, linear fibrous and aromatic, dark green (the look and smell reminiscent of those of the medical chamomile). Color (at our flowering variety) are a type of basket. Homeland of the Roman chamomile is Europe, North America and Argentina.
It reaches a height of 25 cm, depending on the variety, a width of 30-40 cm.
Usable part of the plant
For extracting essential oil the flower tops are collected.
Use of Roman chamomile
Roman chamomile is used in pharmaceutical, perfume and cosmetic industries.
Essential oil
Roman Camomile is found to be effective in calming down annoyance, anger and irritation, particularly in small children. Very good at expelling gas from the intestines and stomach while also curbing additional gas formation. This also helps to relax the body and lower blood pressure. What is even more important is that the effect of the oil also eliminates the more serious risks of excess gas, such as the trapping of gas in the wind pipe, which can even be fatal. The essential oil can calm almost all nervous disturbances or hyper-reactions which result in convulsions, spasms, nervousness, and loss of control over limbs. They are Nervine, that is, they keep the nerves and the nervous system in a state of good health and proper functioning.
The Roman chamomile has been seen to be very effective in fighting depression and for raising spirits. It eliminates feelings of sadness, depression, disappointment, and sluggishness while inducing a sort of happy or charged feeling. Even smelling this oil can help a lot in overcoming depression and bringing about a good mood.
Roman Camomile oil is composed of Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Camphene, Caryophyllene, Sabinene, Myrcene, Gamma Terpinene, Pinocarvone, Farsenol, Cineole, Propyl Angelate and Butyl Angelate
Melissa officinalis L.
Botanical feature
Melissa is perennial herb of the family Lamiaceae. Stems are high up to 1 meter, branched. The lower leaves are larger with handles, and the above are small and sessile. The flowers are white and small in the recesses of the upper leaves. The plant blooms continuously throughout June to September. Melissa comes from southern climates of Europe and North America.It is a native plant for Bulgaria.
Use of the essential oil
Lemon balm is used in pharmaceutical, food, perfume and cosmetic industries.
Usable part of the plant
Essential oil of lemon balm is obtained from the fresh leaves of the plant.
Essential oil
Our company grows the following varieties:
1) Quedlinburger Niederliegende
The health benefits of Melissa Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, cordial, nervine, emmenagogue, sedative, antispasmodic, stomachic, antibacterial, carminative, diaphoretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, sudorific and tonic substance.
There is a good reason why this essential oil has earned the reputation and globally known name of Sweet Oil and Common Oil. This is because this oil is extensively used in nearly all sorts of balms due to its soothing properties while having a sweet, pleasant aroma.
Chemical composition: The main constituents of the essential oil of lemon balm are terpene derivatives citrate (60%), citronellol, geraniol, linalool, myrcene, aldehydes and others. It also contains contains up to 5% tannins, resin, bitter and mucous substances, enzymes, to 150 mg% of vitamin C and the like.
Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
Botanical feature
Ordinary lavender refers to the genus Lavandula of the Lamiaceae family.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill) is a perennial, evergreen semi-bush- high 60-80 cm up to 1 m. Stems numerous in compact tufts; leaves sessile, lanceolate, oblong, entire; flowers arranged in colorful coats (2-8 cm long). They are pale pink or purple. It blooms in summer-from end of june to end of july.
Domestic cultivars
Bulgaria has established, approved and is cultivating the following varieties- Kazanlak, Karlovo, Hemus, Freshness, Venice, Aroma, Druzhba, Sevtopolis, Jubilee, Raya and Hebar
Use of the essential oil
Lavender oil is used in pharmaceutical, food, perfume and cosmetic industries.
Usable part of the plant
For extracting essential oil the flowers are collected with the handles.
Essential oil
The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems.. Traditionally, lavender essential oil has also been used in making perfumes. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations are made using lavender oil.
It has a sweet, herbal aroma and is used as a top note in perfumery.
Chemical composition: essential oil, the composition of which enters linalool, nerol, borneol, citral, cineole, coumarin, furfural, tannins, organic acids, saponins, mineral salts, bitter compounds, sugars, waxes.